About Us
We believe chocolate should help everyone thrive.
That's why our chocolate is more than sustainable.
It's regenerative.
A healthy treat to start the week! Enjoy these sweet stuffed dates covered with our darkest chocolate! Thanks to Plant and Sprout for the recipe!
Chop up your dark chocolate and melt in the microwave or on a double boiler. Set the melted chocolate aside. Open up your dates and remove the pits - make sure they're not completely spit in half and still intact a bit so your peanut butter doesn’t come out. Stuff with a teaspoon-ish of peanut butter. Drizzle some chocolate over the dates and place into the fridge for a few minutes for the chocolate to harden. Add some more layers of chocolate if your prefer - it’s up to you! Then just enjoy.
We believe chocolate should help everyone thrive.
That's why our chocolate is more than sustainable.
It's regenerative.