Bring the cozy, nostalgic vibes of a campfire right into your kitchen with this Mint S’mores Skillet Pie! This decadent dessert takes the classic s’more to new heights, adding a refreshing twist with the rich flavor of Alter Eco Mint Créme Truffle Thins. Imagine layers of luscious chocolate and cool mint, perfectly complemented by homemade marshmallow fluff, all resting atop a buttery honey graham cracker crust. It’s a sophisticated, yet fun, take on the traditional s’more that’s sure to impress your taste buds and become a new favorite!
For the Crust
2 ¾ cups, about 1 ½ boxes, finely ground Honey Grahams
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
12 tablespoons unsalted butter
For the Filling
- In a large mixing bowl, combine the finely ground Honey Grahams, granulated sugar and salt.
- Place the butter in a 9.5” GreenPan frypan on the stovetop over medium high heat. Allow the butter to fully melt and begin to bubble. As the bubbles subside, the milk solids will begin to brown. Once the butter smells slightly toasted and nutty and the milk solids are light brown, pour the browned butter into the bowl with the ground graham cracker mixture and stir with a wooden spoon until the butter is thoroughly incorporated – it should be the texture of wet sand.
- Preheat the oven to 350 F. Wipe any excess butter out of the skillet and pour the graham mixture in skillet, spreading it as evenly as possible. Using your hand or a measuring cup, press down on the graham mixture to compress it as much as possible, also working it up the sides of the skillet. The more you can compact the bottom and sides of the crust, the better it will hold together after baking! Bake the crust for 15 to 18 minutes, or until deeply browned all over – it will still seem a bit soft but will firm up after cooling. Cool for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Take one bar of Mint Créme Truffle Thins and divide it by its squares. Place the squares evenly on the bottom of the slightly cooled crust and place the pan back in the oven. Allow the chocolate to melt for about 3 minutes then remove the pan from the oven. Using a pastry brush or a small silicone spatula spread the chocolate evenly over the bottom and up the sides of the crust to make a thin layer, taking care to do this as gently as possible so you don’t disturb the crust too much!
- Place the entire pan in the refrigerator and allow it to cool for up to 45 minutes, until the chocolate and crust have both set firm.
- In a large mixing bowl combine package of gelatin and half of the water, stirring to combine. Combine the remaining water, honey, sugar and vanilla in a medium saucepan and place it over medium high heat. Stir everything to fully combine (before the sugar melts) and then let it come to a boil undisturbed – the more you stir melted sugar the more likely it is to seize! Cook the sugar mixture until it reaches 240 F, then take it off the heat.
- Turn the mixer to medium speed and quickly mix the water and gelatin mixture to loosen it back up. Begin to slowly drizzle in the sugar syrup in one slow but steady stream. Once the sugar syrup has been completely added, turn the mixer to high speed and whip the marshmallow until it is solid white, doubled in volume, and can hold a soft peak when you take the whisk out of the mixture. Depending on your mixer this can take 5 to 10 minutes. Once done the marshmallow should be close to room temperature.
- Break the remaining bar of Alter Eco Mint Créme Truffle Thins into ¼ chunks and add to the marshmallow, gently folding them through with a silicone spatula until evenly distributed throughout. Take the chocolate lined crust out of the refrigerator and spread the marshmallow mixture evenly inside. Using the silicone spatulate, texture the top of the marshmallow with peaks, valleys, swirls or waves – all of which will give you great textured areas to toast and caramelize later! Allow the pie to sit at room temperature for another 45 minutes until the marshmallow is fully set.
- To serve, lift the pie out of the 9.5” GreenPan frypan using the parchment paper. Gently peel the parchment off the bottom of the curst and transfer the entire pie to a heat proof plate or tray. Using a kitchen torch toast and caramelize the marshmallow all over until deeply golden brown and even charred slightly in areas. It is a s’more pie after all! Serve in sliced wedges at room temperature.
Enjoy every bite! We’d love to see your Mint S’mores Skillet Pie creations—be sure to share them with us on social media by tagging @altereco_foods. Happy baking!